arcadia sliders
Our single-pane glass sliding doors are 1955 originals. Not great for efficiency, but good for a dose of nostalgia. Arcadia manufactured most, if not all, Eichler sliders –we’ve certainly seen them on models built ten years after ours.
We have three sets –office (above, near), master (above, far) and lounge (below). We can’t afford to upgrade any right now, but wanted to freshen them up, and match to our palette. We repainted the aluminum trim, which had been coated many times, then tackled the door pulls.
We sprayed these with Rustoleum enamel paint. Not sure how durable it’ll prove to be, but they look great for now, and blend better with the gray trim. In fact, they came out so well, I now have the urge to spray something else…
Lisa and Kyle
Huge improvement!
Thanks again Lisa! Reviewing these posts, I’m realizing how much we’ve re-done during the last two-and-a-bit years –we’ve since changed all these handles to black, which we’re even happier with!
Are the door pulls a brass plating?
Looks like the finish has one off over the years.
Your painting really brings them back to life like a modern take from Restoration Hardware!
Yes, they are brass, Dave. We actually painted them black, subsequently, as per some of our other accents, like hinges and globe light stems/bases.